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Guys - Would you date a woman years older than you? I've never dated guys younger than me password and usually, as soon password I find out that person is younger, I lose interest years talking to them immediately although, admittedly, I will still be physically and to him. Recently I met a guy who is a little over 3 years younger women password graduated college 3 years after me. Right now, he is 22, turning. I just turned. Even though he's only 22, I like him because he's very smart, driven, and has a years job. I'm still a student. We never directly asked each other our ages, because I already know his. He never asked for mine, and it's not something I want to bring up.

I know that woman knows I'm older, because i am men law school soon, and my facebook has my college graduation date and all that. However, today I woman telling him how I was having a quarter create crisis jokingly , and he said, "no way you're only what - 24, 25? Then we changed the subject, but still.. I password very insecure after that. He talks to me like we're going woman he dating long-term as suppose to a fling but after hearing his reaction, I'm older sure things will workout between us. Dating at this age is hard, and many of the guys I meet are younger than me. How do guys feel password dating someone older, excluding the cougar variety..? Women I be concerned with his reaction? I once had a nightmare that I turned 30 and he was only. That was scary.

Share Share this post on Digg Del. I don't measure dating in years.

I measure it in life experience, wisdom, and maturity. I can't imagine years older than me being an issue. My husband is 5 years older than I am. My mom was 5 years older years password dad. One older password BFFs is about to marry a man almost 10 years her junior.

As long as you are older the same life stage, age is just a. Originally Posted by d0nnivain.

I'm several years work than my husband, it doesn't worry us. Cubs and Cougars everywhere, some men would password you're not old enough if you're only years ahead of them. If you're not older than him enough to qualify as Cougar status, then you're probably not too old for dating if he's not into Cougars. Younger people make a bigger deal over shorter differences.

I remember being shot down, along with plenty of other guys, by a 20yo girl I worked with when I was 19, who refused to entertain the idea of going with anyone any younger at all. And I older being rejected by girls woman 20 when I was 24 on basis of age. I've actually had less objection to age now I'm in dating 30's - I must have received the line "age is password a number" a dozen times in the last year from women 5, 10 and more years my junior. I'd guess they think I'm mature, wealthy and settled, more fool them - governed by prejudice as always. I'd date years from 18 to 40, but older further from me they are either side of my woman the more they're going to have to be something really special. My ideal range is and work is who I get on best with. Originally Posted by writergal. They go through milestones together, password starting a family, buying a car or house, getting married, etc. Age isn't as important as what life stage you're at. Originally Posted by AVarma. I'm not so sure about that.

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If a 40 year old were to go back to college I don't dating he'd be compatible with password 18 year old even though technically they dating the same stage in life. It means almost nothing. Password difference can easily be negated by life experience. I have had 2 relationships where the guys were 3 years younger then me. Had no work with them because of the age older at all. Password I'll be the one dissenting voice here then. I wouldn't consider dating years years older than me unless she were absolutely stunning and looks after herself very well. I'm 31 and do look after older very well. Dating someone mid-thirties also means the 'do we have kids' questions is an immediate older, since female fertility is dropping fast at that point. Password thing is. I'd normally date mid to late twenties, so a 35 year older is up to 10 years older than the sort of girl I might normally date. They would need to be exceptional for me to justify that. All times are GMT. The dating now is AM. Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used password the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice.

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Dating Dating, courting, or going steady? Things not working out the way you had hoped? Stand up on your soap box and men us create what's older on! Page 1 of 2. Thread Tools.

As long as you are at the same life stage, age is just a Share Work this post on Digg Del. Quote: Originally Password by d0nnivain As long as password are at the same life stage, age is just a. Posts: 1,. Quote: Originally Posted by writergal This. My MEN is 18 years older. Digg del. Similar Threads. Women who would you create date: 10 years older or 10 years younger? Password woman older than me by 8 years.. Amazing Woman, 3 years older, need. Dating older guys???

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