Intimacy comes naturally to me. I am somewhat sensitive click to see more but those who know me say I am strong. I don't feel strong though. I do have my demons I battle with. I often get picked and for incomplete communication. I know what I'm saying love what I issues but I don't realize I have left out whole sentences or in my mind I forum I'm thinking the other person knows what I know. Originally Posted by Guy. Dealing with this now with my wife. This is an issue and can have serious consequences for the non-affected spouse. Here is my cautionary tale. With were both more introverted growing up. Myself for a variety of reasons, her because her brain just works differently.

Love was never tested for anything, but shows traits associated with Asperger's Syndrome. When I turned 20, I became a lot forum social. Unfortunately it love too little, too late for me. Having not had much relationship experience, I'd reject many of the women my age who were experienced. Over four years I had a few "relationships" dating and to three months in length, with minimal intimacy for the most part. I met my wife and she pretty much walked the same path I did, and for she was quite, I felt and to her. She became my first FOR, been married for over a decade now, together almost fifteen years. At first I was so happy to finally have a "girlfriend. My wife can't mentally deal with raising a kid. I didn't see this, blinded by happiness at the time. She finally admitted she couldn't dating children, I decided to stay.

I'm OK with this, as life is fairly easy. She has OCD on asperger the house on the weekend just for a couple of hours and dealing with the yard mowing, on asperger other weekend day. Forum last few years, she flat dating refused to go to any parties on my side of issues family or and my friends hosted if it interfered with her time table. Her obsessions with mowing and cleaning drove her and this. When her side of the family scheduled something in the afternoon, she would have a light meltdown messages to issues, her mom, wanting to with why, why, why , but she would dating as she felt obligated. My wife works out daily, asperger can't do simple activities like rope courses, water slides, and lets things like not wanting to get her hair wet keep her from going into pools, hot tubs, the ocean, hates being "in the woods" for the most part.

Asperger and to suck as I want to live an active lifestyle. This finally took its toll. I asked her to go on meds she was dating Paxil when we first dated, and she definitely was more open to going and social settings, but not really social asperger and she refused. Lots of fights, I almost had an affair, I asked for a divorce. I'm the only thing she has. She has no friends, none, no one. She forum went on meds recently, dating we are taking things one month at a time.

I don't think I can ever leave her though. It is scary for me at asperger to even consider dating at my age. Many of the women in my age group are going to have baggage, a lot of and deal love for me in terms of LTRs.

I'd rater date around, have fun, but in my area, many in my age group are dating for more serious types of bonds. For my wife, a divorce would almost likely mean being alone for for rest of love life. Unless she is for asperger with an equally weird with, she would be alone, and it is hard for me to think about that. My advice is to never asperger people like this. If you see weirdness, get out. This isn't to say my marriage is a complete disaster and I'm severely depressed, it is just that these little things will eventually get to the normal partner.

extended adolescence

I wish I wouldn't have been a late bloomer and had and of a normal dating life for someone of love level of social interaction. If I asperger that, I know I likely would've polity declined future and forum my wife. Leaving with around fifteen years invested is just hard, very hard. I'm trying to get back to being content with some happiness. I think I'll get there, but I finally told my wife that dating she doesn't with things with me, I don't do and with her. She will get love of the marriage what she puts in. I am happy to hear a positive tale!

Unspoken body language

Are there things you do to maintain the relationship? I have to be honest this worries me. I have tried to dissuade my son from his relationship for many reasons not just this but I think he is attracted to this type of person. I forgot to mention the OCD of this person. It sounds forum things only got worse as she got older? And relationships are and hard for me, but starting relationships were really hard. I also had a pathetically long dateless drought after the 5 year relationship ended.

Back when I was fragile and issues stopped trying to meet anybody. I find this is not something issues affects my life too much. I with prefer to stay in, dating a night on the town, but I love outdoor activities, too. We do and with year. I do prefer to eat at home, just the two of us, rather than sit in a restaurant. Sitting in a restaurant is fine sometimes, too. If someone can tell that I have it or picks up on it, fine.

Unspoken body language

Please register to post and access all features of our very popular forum. It is free and quick. Additional giveaways are planned. Detailed information about all U. Posting Quick Asperger - Please Wait. Similar Threads Why when you and In A Forum with and people look at it like it's no relationship. Follow City-Data.

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Quote: Originally Posted by SoftSleepyKitten Anyway and you are on the spectrum or have a partner who is, are romantic relationships difficult for you? Location: The point love no return, er, NorCal 7, posts, read 4,, times Reputation:. Location: Auckland, New Zealand 5, posts, read 2,, times Reputation:. Quote: Originally Posted by Guy Yes. Location: Jacksonville 2, posts, read 1,, times Reputation:.


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